Blog Archives

My worst habits – Day 9 blog challenge

Urrrrgh! There’s something wrong with my tag-button. Every time I’m finished with a post and I want to tag it, nothing happens. I reloaded the page and I forgot to save a draft.

I’m a skin picker (if you haven’t read my “Skin pickers and other strange disorders” yet).  I don’t know why I’m doing it: maybe its some sort of coping mechanism or maybe I’m punishing myself. Or my mom.

My face is suffering. My mom says my face will never be able to recover, but I still can’t stop. I also bite my lips and pull the skin off until it bleeds.

Procrastination: even getting up in the morning is becoming a big hassle. Sometimes it feels like I have nothing to live for anymore, so why get up? I procrastinate on reading my email inbox and then I get really annoyed with myself. I procrastinate on writing sometimes.

I’m racking my brain for something else, but nothing comes to mind.